


 At the Bunnies Only Party there are COOL things you can do! you can jump on the drum to make it light up ( which is the picture lol ) , you can slide down a slide, play the claw game for rabbit plushies, or create a bunny pet! there are also items you can buy for your den. these items are : The bunny drum, the bunny mat, the bunny rug, the bunny throne, the patch of carrots, or the crystal carrot. You can even buy the " Hoppin 

Around " music! Thats one of my favorites ^_^ Well, jam on jammers! ;)


 At the horses only party, you can play jamaa derby, play the claw for horse plushies, play in the mud, or dance with your friends! Theres a picture of me playing in the mud along with my tarantula ^_^ Also there are things you can buy for your animal, or your den! there is a bonnet, an army helmet, a cowboy hat, unicorn horn, angel wings, and elf bracelets for CLOTHING. for the den items, there is a sawhorse, a small hay bale, a horseshoe rug, a barrel, bags of feed, and a hanging horseshoe. Also for your den, you can buy the " hoppin around " music! well, i guess thats it for the horse party.. happy jamming! ;)


At the heatwave party, there are cool things you can do to stay " cool! " You can go down water slides, Get a smoothie, Get a tan on a beach blanket with your friends ( thats me on a blanket lol ) Get in the pool, or sit down and relax. There are things you can buy for your den! you can get the small beach towel,  hibiscus beach towel, groovy beach towel, beach ball, swimming pool, or beach umbrella! ;) Well I guess thats all for the heat wave party! JAM ON JAMMERS! :)


At the Trading Party, there are some things you can do. you can be close to a fire and warm up from the snow, you can play the claw for items to wear, You can walk around in the rooms to see the betas, or the main thing : FOR TRADING!! Yes, as old as this party is, most non mems come for the claw to get colored non member items. on my other acc she is a non, so i come for that too :P But most members come for trading. But I love the snow scene and the betas. For trading I just go to Aldan and go somewhere on the map XP Eh, I found Julian2 too! :D Or i also go to the party to chill and chat with my friends. Well I guess thats it for this party. as always, JAM ON JAMMERS! :)


 At the cruise ship party there are " cool " things to do. you can get a smoothie, go down the slide, stand on the tip of the boat and watch dolphins, chat with your friends, and relax. there are things you can buy for your den. here are the items : the inner tube, the lounge chair, the life preserver, the patio chair, the ship in a bottle, and the sunset beach towel. This party is one of the first, so its not AS popular as it used to be. but sometimes when i go to this party there are like, TONS of people there! And sometimes when me and my friends get bored we just go to a party XD lolz WELL  JAM ON JAMMERS!


At the ALL NEW JAM SESSION PARTY, you can dance on stage and actually PLAY THE INSTRUMENTS!!!! Just click the keyboard, drums, turntable, or the guitar!!! Plus there are things you can buy to WEAR!!! best of all... THEY ARE INSTRUMENTS!!! :D There is a guitar, a drum, and a clarinet!!! Also, if enough people dance, the strobelights will alternate colors!! The top strobe lights will move BACK AND FORTH and alternating if more people dance! There will be flames coming up too!!! ANYBODY should definitely go to this party!!! Non member or not!!! Its a great party :) Jam on at this  new party jammers!

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